You may have heard about other ways the NHS shares data including:

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[accordion-item title=”Summary Care Records (SCR)”]

SCRs contain a limited amount of data and are available nationally to support urgent care situations.

SCRs are designed to improve the quality of care in emergencies and when your GP practice is closed.

You can discuss with your GP if you wish to have additional information included in your SCR.

Difference between JUYI and SCR

More information from NHS England about Summary Care Records


[accordion-item title=”Local clinical care audits”]

Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), the GP-led body that buys NHS care in the county, carries out clinical audits.

These audits help GPs to understand the health needs of their patients more accurately and mean the CCG and others involved in health and social care planning can make the best use of resources across the county. They have proved particularly useful in helping practices to improve how they identify and treat diabetes and dementia in the county.

The CCG follows strict guidelines to ensure the information it receives is anonymous and is analysed securely and confidentially. The information goes through an automatic process so anything directly identifying a patient is removed before being passed to the audit team.

You can opt in or out of this process by contacting your GP practice.

More information from National Institute for Health Care Excellence – Standards and Indicators

Your GP surgery and Clinical audit

Find out more about what clinical audit is, and how this can help improve care for patients

